Stock price ticker

  • TSLA160.27(+10.97%)
  • NVDA198.02(-0.48%)
  • AMZN99.22(-0.61%)
  • MSFT248.00(+3.07%)
  • AAPL143.96(+1.48%)
  • MCD274.72(+0.64%)
  • INTC30.09(-0.31%)
  • XOM117.76(+4.02%)

Putting our clients first since 2013

For more than 30 years, we’ve been empowering clients by helping them take control of their financial lives.


BKForex Tradex consists a team of financial market professionals assembled specifically in order to provide the best possible trading conditions to its customers. Our specialists have been involved in the development of technical specification for designing an up-to-date platform that is suitable for both beginners and experienced traders.


The undeniable advantage of BKForex Tradex broker is the elaborate trader’s educational system. By studying our e-books, videos, webinars you can get all information that is needed for successful trading. In addition to training, we provide analytical tools, market reviews, economic calendar and news.


BKForex Tradex is committed to give an opportunity to as many traders as possible to invest their money in BKForex Tradex trading. Our main task is to simplify both the trading and the process of getting a profit.

Our Story

Since 2013, we’ve been building the future of investing - creating Europe’s leading European digital assets investment firm and innovating the technology and infrastructure to enable access and power investment in the new digital economy. Today our investment DNA compels us to create market-leading products and services with clear, lasting value.

If we look back at the beginning of our experience as investors in Bitcoin, we had a hard time, due to all of the challenges in an unknown investment environment, The lack of reliable information, the uncertainty, the volatility of the market, and our close-to-zero experience were some of the hurdles that we overcame.

Mirko has always been a transformational leader. He has worked in both large corporations and startups, finding success wherever he went. His life mission, “Give to everyone the same opportunity in life” fuels him in his businesses. He just realized how much time was needed to learn and understand this new investment opportunity. He saw a need to automate and democratize access to sophisticated investment products.


Our Leaders

We are a group of passionate, independent thinkers who never stop exploring new ways to improve trading for the self-directed investor.

Cynthia Dixon
Chief Executive Officer

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Bryan Greene
Human Resources

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Arthur Parker
Executive Assistant

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At the same time, Daniela, driven by her intellectual curiosity, wanted to learn more about cryptocurrencies and, with Mirko’s help, she was able to invest her first 1,000 Euro. She started to overwhelm Mirko with a lot of questions and she was not the only one.

What should I buy? Where should I buy? When is the right moment to buy or sell? Can I re-convert Bitcoin in Euro?

A lot of people didn’t have access to reliable information. Mirko and Daniela had a lunch together with a mutual friend, Marcell. He had 3+ years of experience in blockchain / cryptocurrency and he was involved as NL country leader for a leading European VC fund focused on blockchain technology, Marcell’s challenge, as crypto investor, was the ability to remove emotions out of his strategy. If I could have a tool that automatically sets up my strategy and takes care of my investment, I could spend more time with my wife and two kids, knowing that someone else is working for my family’s wealth.

That was the day when BKForex Tradex was founded

If you cannot control your emotions, you cannot control your money.

BKForex Tradex started to make investors’ lives easier. Through our secure and innovative platform we provide a solution to get into the crypto market without having to go through a long learning process. And now that we’ve bolstered our team with experience, we offer a proven strategy designed to help you invest in crypto more wisely, without any added hassle.

Number speaks

We always ready
for a challenge.

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Proudly serving traders since 2013.

Best Trading Experience

Jordan Forex EXPO 2022

Best Execution Broker

Forex EXPO Dubai 2022

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